
  1. 請自備床單、枕頭、毛毯、毛巾及盥洗用品。大廳及宿舍較冷,建議攜帶外套及被子保暖。 請注意,大會不提供床品、毛巾的訂購服務。 Please bring your own linen, pillow, blanket and towel set. It is recommended to bring a jacket and extra blanket in case of the cooler air conditioning. The option to order bedding and towels is not available.
  2. 報到時,另繳鑰匙保證金,每把$40(請預備現金或支票,擡頭請寫Wright State University)。離營時交還鑰匙,即將退還保證金。 A deposit of $40 per key (please prepare cash or a check payable to Wright State University) will be collected when you check-in and receive the key. It will be returned when you check-out and return the key.
  3. Wright State University 拥有丰富的室内休閒和体育活动設施,在Student Union地下一層。我们鼓励前来参加夏令营的家庭和年轻人使用这些资源。 Wright State University has indoor recreation and sports facilities. The GYM is located at SU-0 (Student Union Basement). We encourage retreat attendees to use these facilities for their body and spiritual well beings. Bring your own equipment and appropriate clothing.
  4. 大會請專業人員準備豐富的節目給四歲至八年級的孩童。 Children programs for ages 4 to 8th grade are provided by the Word of Life.
  5. 身為家長或監護人,須同意對隨同赴會之未成年者(十八歲以下)負一切責任,並監督遵守大會規定,特別是下列各項: a. 按照時間表出席各項聚會; b. 未經本人書面同意或陪同,不得擅自離營 c. 不准攜繫帶武器或非法葯物. As parent/guardian of minor(s) (under 18 years of age) listed in the Registration Form, you agree to take full responsibility of him/her during this Retreat. You have read the retreat rules and agree to have the minor(s) abide by them, in particular: a. Follow the program schedule and attend all meetings and activities; b. No minors are allowed to leave the campus without accompanies or written permission of the parent/guardian; c. No possession of weapons or illegal substance/drugs is allowed on the campus.
  6. 家長同意若隨行之未成年者遭遇任何意外傷害,均與大會無關. You agree to release MCCA from any responsibility in case the minor(s) is injured or harmed in any way.
  7. 用餐須知(Dining Hall Information)
    • 請於入口處依實際用餐情況投入餐券:一人一餐一券,未满四週歲的兒童免費。You need a meal ticket to enter the dining hall. Children under the age of 4 eat free.
    • 請讓長輩、孕婦、大會講員及同工先行領餐,大會預留二条餐桌供講員及同工用餐. Be courteous to the elders, families with children, and speakers.
    • 请依序排隊選取食物,酌量領取食物以免浪費。Maintain order and take food that you can consume.
    • 領餐時,請对校方服務人員表示尊重及謝意。Show appreciation to the servers.
    • 請家長或監護人細心看護兒女用餐。Parents, please watch out for your children.
    • 勿將食物或飲料帶出餐廳。No food is allowed to be taken out of the dining hall.
    • 用餐後,請将垃圾、刀叉及碗盤放在指定的地方。Please return dishes and silverware to the designated area.
    • 如遺失餐券,請接洽註冊組。Please contact registration for lost tickets.
    • 餐券:早、午、晚餐各有不同顏色,不能交換使用。Each meal has a color-coded ticket; be sure to use the correct one.
    • 我們將分三個批次用午餐:英文聚會請於中午12pm用餐;成人專題A-E以及英文組請在中午12:20用餐,成人專題F-K請在中午12:40用餐。 There will be 3 groups dining: The English Group will dine at noon. Adult Workshops A-E and English Group will dine at 12:20 P.M. Adult Workshops F-K will dine at 12:40 P.M.
  8. 報到須知(Check-in Information) 請從University Boulevard進入校園(不要從導航導的Center Road進入),前去Student Union報到。領取鑰匙后可以前往宿舍安頓休息。下圖標明了報到、住宿、用餐的地點。 Please enter the campus through University Boulevard (Not Center Road by GPS) to check in at Student Union. After picking up dorm key, you may head to the dorm to settle down. Please see the campus map below with check-in, dining, and housing locations marked.